More than 1000 petitions were delivered to the Montana Public Service Commission on Wednesday January 18. Eleven people from 350Montana traveled to Helena in support of the petition to attend the PSC hearing. Five members testified during the public comment period to the PSC. The session was followed by a meeting with lawyers from MEIC and Northwestern Energy.
Following statement is in the petition.
NorthWestern Energy (NWE) has asked you to immediately cut in half the rate the company must pay to buy electricity from small-scale solar and wind projects . This would undermine the Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1978, allowing the utility to avoid paying rates the Commission has already determined are appropriate. It will discourage new investment in solar power generation in the state. If the Public Service Commission agrees to NWE’s request it could mark the beginning of the end for small-scale solar projects. Please do not grant this request
Instead, uphold existing laws and upgrade your policies to allow solar power and renewable energy to flourish in Montana. Renewable energy provides good jobs for Montanans and is exactly what we need to secure a livable planet for our children and grandchildren