Several Montana groups engage in efforts to mobilize Montana in climate action. The activities vary from direct action where individuals are arrested to  websites raising awareness of the problems.

  • Local Indigenous Network Collective. LINC is a logistics platform created to allow underrepresented communities access to an organizational entity focused on water protection efforts throughout the state and to provide intellectual guidance and advocacy in confronting the industries that operate in our region.
  • Indian Peoples Action  Facebook page of Montana group based in Butte. The mission of IPA is to work in urban areas to reach out and empower Indians to address the social, economic and racial inequities that shape their lives.
  • are Families for a livable climate.  Their goal is to empower families to advocate for their future.
  • Students as Reinvest Montana in Missoula are outspoken in their  efforts to divest The University of Montana Foundation from fossil fuels.
  • Northern Plains Resource Council is very active in efforts to stop the coal traffic.  They encourage and support people to attend hearings on northwest fossil fuel ports
  • Montana Environmental Information Center is a non-profit environmental advocate founded in 1973 by Montanans concerned with protecting and restoring Montana’s natural environment.
  • Sierra Club Montana is the Montana chapter of the Sierra Club.
  • Citizens Climate Lobby has a chapter in Billings working on legislation to enact an economic alternative known as  Carbon Fee and Dividend,
  • Climate Smart Missoula develops partnerships to address climate change in Missoula.
  • Climate Smart Glacier Country is a group in Northwestern Montana.
  • Bozeman City Sustainability held sustainability workshops this Spring(2016) to reduce carbon footprint.
  • Charge Montana Montana’s energy policies aren’t keeping up with technology or demand Together, we can change that!
  • Faith and Climate Action Montana  Faith based group working to educate faith communities about climate science. FS&CA resources.
  • Missoula student led group that organized student climate strikes.


Regional/National Groups