Engen joins 292 ‘climate mayors’
missoulian.com (06/12/2017)
Calling it “symbolic but practical,” Missoula Mayor John Engen on Monday signed a letter pledging to work with mayors nationwide to implement the Paris Accord, even as President Donald Trump withdraws the U.S. from the international effort to slow global warming.
The statement has now been signed by 292 mayors representing 60 million Americans. In Montana, the mayor of Bozeman, Carson Taylor, also has signed the statement.
Bozeman Mayor commits to Paris Accord
bozemandailychronicle.com (06/06/2017)
“Bozeman’s mayor joined more than 200 other city leaders from across the country in signing a letter pledging to continue trying to limit greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency in the wake of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement.”
Reinvest Montana Occupies Gilkey
http://www.montanakaimin.com (4/26/2017)
“ReInvest Montana staged a sit-in in the lobby of the University of Montana Foundation offices on the second floor of the recently-constructed Gilkey Hall this morning. …
ReInvest decided to take direct action after two years of going through institutional channels with no results, co-president Jess Moore said”
‘Leonard Higgins Necessity’ Strategy
“Higgins doesn’t plan to refute any of this in court. Instead, he plans to enter a so-called necessity defense, arguing that given the responsibility to protect innocent people from the ravages of climate change, he had no choice but to take illegal action.”
NorthWestern Energy Kills Energy Freedom Act
msic.org (02/24/2017)
“On February 24th, at the request of NorthWestern Energy, the Montana House Energy Committee killed the Solar Jobs and Energy Freedom Act. The bill failed to pass when it received an 8 to 8 tied vote with Representatives Alan Redfield, Derek Skees, Austin Knudsen, Casey Knudsen, Geraldine Custer, James O’Hara, Adam Rosendale, and Daniel Zolnikov voting no.”
300 People at Energy Freedom Rally
ktvh.com (02/23/2017)
“The Energy Freedom Rally was aimed at expanding the solar electric industry in Montana. Under current Montana law, roof-top solar powered systems that are net-metered are capped at 50-kilowatts. Net-metered systems are still tied to the utility company, so users can get credit for power they generate, benefiting their home or business.”
NorthWestern Energy Income Increase Q4 2016
seekingalpha.com (02/17/2017)
Bob Rowe said:
“Thank you, Travis and good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for joining us. I hope your 2017 is off to a very good start. I’ll touch on some of the highlights and then pass the ball off to Brian Bird. 2016 net income improved by 8.6% or $13 million, as compared to 2015 …”
Renewable energy panel discussion at UM
The panel discussion, “Making Renewables Work for Montana,” will include three, 20-minute long sections, followed by a moderated question and answer section between the audience and panelists, according to 350Montana.org Leadership Team member Jim Parker.
Evangelizing alternative power with Solar Guy
http://missoulanews.bigskypress.com (1/26/2017)
Still, solar growth in Montana has been hobbled by a number of restrictive policies, including a 50-kilowatt cap on the size of solar systems that can be hooked into a meter. Van Wert argues that limit has kept a large number of commercial projects “out of the game” and has hampered the pursuit of community solar projects. Highlighting such roadblocks is, of course, a major focus of the Charge Montana campaign. The opportunity is here, Van Wert says. “Are we going to let it pass by? I don’t think so.”
Senator Jon Tester supports Keystone XL
missoulian.com (1/25/2017)
President Trump’s pipeline announcement divides Montanans
Politically, Montana elected officials, regardless of party, have always supported Keystone Pipeline and did so Tuesday, as well.
“I look forward to seeing a Keystone Pipeline that respects private property rights, meets the highest safety standards and uses American materials and labor,” said U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, a Democrat. “Building the Keystone Pipeline will create good-paying jobs.”