Missoula area Electric Vehicles owners are coming together to put on their first public, First Friday Electric Car Show and Rally. The event will take place Friday, April 2 at 5:30PM in the Adventure Cycling parking lot at 150 East Pine Street, just a half block off North Higgins Ave. in downtown Missoula.
Folks that have not purchased an electric car but are interested will be able to come and checkout a dozen different electric vehicles and talk with the owners. Expect to see: Chevy Sprint, Nissan Leaf, Volkswagen Golf, Kia Soul, Chevy Volt, BMW I3, Tesla 3, and others.
The car display segment of the event will end around 6:30 at which time a green-flagged stream of electric vehicles will leave the lot and parade up and down Higgins. Electric cars are quiet but there will be plenty of noise from a loudspeaker making announcements about electric cars and turning heads in the direction of the sign-laden cars.
The Electric Car Show and Rally is being organized by a group of electric car owners that simply want to speed the conversion from petroleum powered to electric vehicles. While reasons for being involved vary, most of the group see a switch to electric vehicles necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb climate chaos.
Other electric car owners that would like to join the First Friday Electric Car Show and Rally are welcome to join and should contact the group through their Facebook Page “Electric Vehicles Montana.”
For more information about the event please contact:
Dave Harmon
406 546-6540