
Comment NWE at PSC by Jan 3

The PSC is open for comments on NorthWestern Energy’s 20-year procurement plan until January 3. You must submit your comment by January 3, 2020 or attend the public hearings on December 9 in Helena. To comment, you have two choices. You can write an on-line comment at the Montana Public Service Commission’s website, or you can write and
mail a letter. […]


NWE Shareholder Proposal

WHEREAS the evidence of human-caused climate change is overwhelming, the impacts of climate change are intensifying across the country, and climate change will cause increasing harm to Montana’s agriculture, tourism, and infrastructure by severe wildfires, drought, flooding, and decreased flows for hydroelectric generation, unless prompt action is taken; See resolution.. […]


RatePayers Rebellion

On Monday, December 9, at noon, outside the Public Service Commission (PSC) office in Helena (1701 Prospect Ave) 350 Montana, with citizens and allies, will hold a Ratepayer Rebellion Rally emphasizing that, “Montana Can Lead”. […]