350 MONTANA’S Top 13 Local Things You Can Do
1. Sign both petitions 350 MONTANA is promoting. One encourages more clean energy, the other encourages Governor Bullock to stay with the goals of the Paris Climate Accords.
2. Help 350 MONTANA get signatures on these petitions at the Farmers Markets and other events.
3. Join 350 MONTANA’s “Action Committee,” which meets every third Monday at Imagine Nation Brewery at 5:30 p.m. This is the committee that plans local actions to halt climate change.
4. Learn about NorthWestern Energy (NWE) and its plan to spend $1.3 billion on a new generation of fossil fuel plants.
5. Help by supporting 350 MONTANA’s NWE campaign, which includes publishing two reports and an educational tour of five Montana cities this fall. It’s high time we break free from fossil fuels.
6. Write a note to Bob Rowe, CEO of NorthWestern Energy, to enclose with your next check. Tell him why you support transitioning now to wind and solar energy.
7. Email our elected officials and tell them to support Senator Merkley’s 100-by-50 bill, which would transition our power grid to clean energy by 2050. (https://www.merkley.senate.gov/100by50)
8. Help 350 MONTANA, Climate Smart, and other groups get a second round of the “Solarize Missoula” campaign going.
9. Help 350 MONTANA establish a task force to explore what Mayor John Engen’s pledge to stay with the Paris Accords means in real terms. Will Missoula go 100 percent renewable?
10. Help 350 MONTANA support Leonard Higgins, who stands trial in Fort Benton, Montana, Nov.21 for shutting off a tar sands pipeline.
11. Use your creativity! Write, blog, photograph for us, improve our web presence, our social media outreach, and make us smile!
12. Invite someone from 350 MONTANA’s leadership team to come speak about Montana’s changing climate to your group or organization, your scout troop or school assembly. We’ll bring Al Gore’s slides and graphs.
13. Donate to 350 MONTANA to propel us forward. We are sponsored by the Jeannette Rankin Peace Center. So write your check to JRPC/ 350 MONTANA and send it to the address below.
P.O. Box 7006
Missoula, Mt. 59807