Here are two events that show the resilience and diversity of the local climate movement. And, attached at the bottom, please find the press release Glacier Climate Action and 350 Montana sent yesterday to all western Montana media.
Tonight, June 2, the Local Indigenous Network Collective (LINC) is sponsoring a march and then a gathering at Free Cycles, 732 S 1st St W., to honor movements to protect our water and oppose Keystone XL. Why gather together? Because . . . “[t]he longer we wait to redirect our society to value love over profit, the more uncertain our children’s future becomes. We must act quickly and precisely. So let us come together to celebrate one another and the powerful movement we will become.“
5:25 Meet at Radius Gallery Downtown, March to Across Orange Street Bridge to Free Cycles — 6:00 Potluck Dinner Begins — 6 to 7 Speakers and Discussion — >7 Music by DJ Enzymes, Silent Auction, Button Making, Games
On Monday, June 5, 4 to 6 p.m., in the University Theater, Clean Air Montana is hosting a panel discussion called “Montana’s Changing Climate: the State of Climate Science.” In the last few months it seems like every day some sort of anti-science position or statement is issued from a politician in Washington D.C. Climate change science is being particularly hard hit. To counter this, leading Montana scientists will present on the state of climate science in Montana and the impacts of the changing climate on the state’s water, forests, agriculture, and wildlife.The lineup looks like this:
• Dr. Steve Running, UM Regents Professor of Ecology, Nobel Laureate
• Dr. Nick Silverman, UM Franke College of Forestry and Conservation Hydrologist
• Dr. Alisa Wade, UM GeoSciences Conservation Scientist and Spatial Ecologist
• Dr. Tim Seipel, MSU College of Agriculture Adjunct Professor
• Dr. Scott Mills, UM Franke College of Forester and Conservation Associate Vice President
• Dr. Nicky Phear, UM Climate Change Studies Program Director
We hope to see you at both events.
Jeff Smith, co-chair, 350 Montana