An ad hoc citizens committee headed by Amy Cilimburg of Climate Smart has published a resolution for Missoula’s city and county governments to commit to 100 percent clean electricity by 2030. City Councilors and County Commissioners are poised to consider the resolution at their meetings the first week of April. So it’s coming right up.
The resolution is here:
The sponsors of the resolution are sponsoring two community forums “to discuss what it would take to plan for a ‘livable’ future in Missoula with 100 percent clean and affordable energy.” In other words, this is your chance to hear about the monumental effort to move away from fossil fuels in the next 11 years. The forums take place in Missoula:
Saturday, March 16, 9 A.M. to Noon, at Home Resource, 1515 Wyoming Street
Monday, March 18, 5:30 to 8:30 P.M., at the Missoula Public Library, 301 East Main
The sponsors are providing food and childcare and encourage those ‘interested in helping shape a vision for a path to 100 percent clean energy and making sure that path is equitable and affordable” to register.
You can register here:
You can also sign this letter-of-support for Missoula’s move to 100 percent renewable electricity here:
We hope that you will help this very ambitious effort.