350 Montana invites you to “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” a new film we’re sponsoring at Missoula’s Roxy Theater (718 South Higgins) for 23 showings beginning this Friday, August 18, and ending Wednesday, August 30. This is the sequel, 10 years later, of Al Gore’s original climate change film, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Admission is $8, and the trailer for the film is here:


To see the show times and to pre-order tickets go here: http://www.theroxytheater.org/films/an-inconvenient-sequel-truth-to-power/

An added bonus for this Friday’s showings (6 and 8:30 p.m.), is a “grand opening” panel discussion, organized by the Sierra Club, following the first showing — around 7:30 — featuring:

  • Michael Durglo, Division of Environmental Protection Manager, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes,
  • Bonnie Long and Bradie Matt, Free Us From Climate Chaos (Big Sky High School)
  • Jeff Smith, 350 Montana
  • Rob Whitehair, artist and flimmaker, Wild Propaganda
  • David Merrill, Senior Organizing Representative, Sierra Club

The panelists will discuss the ways the climate movement has changed between the first film and today and the number of ways you can plug in.

We hope to see you at the Roxy this Friday — or at one of the other showings.

Jeff Smith, co-chair, 350 Montana