A group called Faith and Climate Action Montana is sponsoring an event tonight that you might be interested in. It’s called “Communicating Climate Change: Inspiring Action and Care for Creation” and begins at 6 p.m. at the University Congregational Church , 405 University Avenue.
Sometimes we are unsure how to talk about climate change. This meeting is a way to build your confidence and learn critical skills. If you feel saddened and disturbed by massive wildfires, catastrophic hurricanes, extreme droughts, join in tonight! At this event, you’ll:
• Learn strategies for talking about climate change
• Practice using these strategies to integrate our faith and values, build understanding, and inspire action
• Connect with local opportunities to take action today!
These good folks are providing dinner and welcome everyone!
Faith and Climate Action Montana is an interfaith coalition based in Missoula, Montana. To learn more, contact Abby Huseth: faithandclimateactionmt@gmail.
We hope to see you there.
Jeff Smith, co-chair, 350 Montana