One of our heroes is Stanford professor Mark Jacobson, whose work delves into the complexities of an energy system powered entirely by renewable energy, specifically wind, hydro, and solar energy. He has a website that  details, state-by-state, country-by-country, the mix of these energy resources necessary to move us beyond fossil fuels:

There’s more good news. Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley has introduced a bill to bring Jacobson’s engineering vision to fruition in the United States by 2050. Called the 100 by 50 Act, this is the first national legislation to move us where we need to go fast enough to make a big dent on our relentlessly warming climate. This is a comprehensive bill that includes a tough schedule of reducing greenhouse gases, lots of incentives for clean energy, and funds for re-training displaced workers. You can read about it here:

Geek Alert: Jacobson’s plan has recently come under attack by other scientists skeptical that the technology is up to the task. If you’d like to read some back and forth about this controversy, there’s an article on a website called Utility Drive:

Finally, you are invited to 350 Montana’s monthly leadership team meeting this Monday, August 7, 5:30 p.m., at Imagine Nation Brewing, 1151 West Broadway. Our agenda looks like this:

  •      NWE Energy Project: $1500 grant from 350 national, contracting researcher/writer, LTEs, Ed Forums for the fall  (Read a good NWE article in The Missoula Independent: )
  •      Jacqueline Sussman’s Internship Update: “Transitioning Montana to a Renewable Energy Future”
  •      Quick Hits: what’s happening with 100 by 50 legislation, Leonard’s Trial, local forum w/Schweitzer or off-the-gridders, and Solarize Missoula
  •    Petitioning (NWE and Gov. Bullock) at Farmers Market
  •    Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Sequel” at the Roxy (Aug 18 to 30) What is our role?
  •  David Merrill’s Sierra Club discussion group — again what is our role?
  •  Should we reimburse training expenses?

We hope to see you there.

Jeff Smith, co-chair, 350 Montana